Saturday, 12 February 2011


Lots of things are hideous
If you look at them long enough
The wrinkles on my thumb
The smooth grey corner of the television.

Lots of things are hideous
If you look at them without thought
The sleeping lady's lips on the bus
The out of date lino - not yet retro.

Lots of things are hideous
If you look at them with disappointment
The bare trees against a rainy sky
The dust on the piano keys.

Lots of things are hideous
Through my eyes -
And I apologise.

my little pony

Pink horse with straw mane
Points its hooves towards me -
Eyes look straight ahead
As if I never existed.
Didn't I play with you pink pony?
Did I?
Only to cart around my fairies.
No! I remember now -
You were enchanted.

african drum

Drumming, drumming
Hands slapping goat skin
Until palms are red meat, pounded.

Drumming, drumming
Fearful of being out of time
Rhythm as instinct not thought

Drumming until the sound meets
In the middle of the circle
As ancient voices, singing.

Drumming, drumming
They speak to me
As I leave the circle, never to return.

Monday, 7 February 2011

train ride

Passing blue bin lorries,
Privet and concrete warehouses
On the way to Deal.

Rolling by cranes and sand piles
Calling at Ashford -
Debenhams and Stagecoach buses.

Pink woolly hats and a zipped up coat
Wrap up warm for the seaside
A windy February morning.

Picking up speed past redbrick homes
A monkey puzzle tree and PC World.

Faster and faster until church spires fade
Green fields appear, sheep, ploughed land.

Whiz into a tunnel and rumble out
To a home for electricity, pylons skyhigh -
Shaped like helter-skelters.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Cat is a caricature gone wrong
Meant to be a baby panda -
They gave him the wrong ears.

Cat is a flash of storm
Zipping from room to room, skidding
Sometimes crashing.

Cat is a philosopher
Pondering the nature of my quilt
Inside, outside, what does it mean?


The quake of the shutters
Wakes me.
The vendors in the market
Banging noisy crates.
The sun shines through my curtains
I hope they sell something today.
The stalls exist below me
I hear them shout 'morning'
And want to reply
But above all the din
They wouldn't hear me, wrapped
In the quiet of my duvet.


Buying an umbrella would be sensible
This persistent rain with its large teardrops
Getting me wet right through
Jeans sticking to my cold-lumped skin
Rain dripping from my nose, into my open mouth
As I walk, head down, neck aching to my interview.


I've run out of fennel,
The supermarket queue is exhausting
My basket in browsers' way
Lined up along the aisle
Staring sharply at pink-boxed powder
Blue plastic bottles of softener
The beige jacket of the man ahead.

I lean sideways to see the front.
There isn't a smile,
Scan, bag, scan, bag.
She could go faster.

I'm bashed by a trolley and turn around
A baby screams, but I don't care.
I just spotted an old friend,
The fennel I forgot again.


I say I want to ravage you,
You are devastated.
As if I would burn down the whole of Camberwell
Leaving it without church spire,
The people gone,
The pubs and supermarkets.
The hospital in cinders.
When I say I want to ravage you
I don't mean to plunder,
Cut off your balls and eat them.
I want you left intact
So I can ravage you again.


The sharpness of your mordant words
Is lost when you apologise.
I can laugh it off.
I can laugh and laugh
When I'm pretending that there isn't ill intent.
Don't be sorry that you hurt my feelings
It was banter
Only banter.
Funny, funny woman you are
Biting at me like a playful kitten
I won't let anyone cut your claws.